Class me out!!

Angel Brown
1 min readApr 20, 2021

As I learn, I call it my road to the outlet. This is because before you can plug into something you must first find the socket. Without that socket you must search for a way to get the power to charge your plug.

Class variables and methods are pulling me to understand the wires that form the cord to many of the plugs I need. The use of variables and methods within a Class help me learn about the functionality of the Class.

Class Variables store information regarding the class. Class Methods enact behaviors that belong to the whole class, not just to the individual instances of that class.

Class variables are written with double (@@) at symbols, like local and instance variables you can set it equal to data. Yet you can only access the information outside of the class with building a Class Method to hold it.

Class Variable

class Album  
@@ album_count = 0

def release_date = (data)
@release_date = data

def release_date

**Class Method **

class Album 
@@album_count = 0

def self.count

Which will allow us to call Album.count that gives us **0 **

Now I’m able to know how many albums I can find my database. I’m also able to build more methods that will allow me to do more with the class.

