React Native and Me : Humble beginnings
There have been many debates between learning ReatNative over React . I wanted to put my hat into the game. I have a general understanding of React and now I want to see if it is an easier framework to learn. They were both created by Facebook developers and power 99.9% of the computer and mobile applications we use today.
React is an open- source library of Javascript that helps you to build users inferences and more commonly open page desktop applications. It uses a Virtual DOM to display the presentation of the UI. When using the Virtual DOM , it is able to make changes that sync up with the DOM. React gives two types of components (stateless and stateful) that enhance the design to make it self-contained .
React Native is the child of React where you get the best pieces of development from React to build user interfaces. It is an easier process of creating Android and IOS mobile applications without having to learn others like Flutter & Xamarin . You can produce a native mobile application rather than a web application that looks like a mobile application. It saves a lot of companies money and times due to productivity eliminating separate versions for the same application.
The advantages I’ve experienced so far for me personally are that everything is moving to a mobile phrase . Statics from GSMA shows that 66.5% of people have a mobile device and use it daily to receive every type of connection with the rest of the world. I’ve also found that the set up is very similar to React and easier to understand. There are little pieces that you would have to remember like using “View” instead of “div” but I am enjoying the process so far.